My Healing Era

Why am I Scared of Gaining Weight? The Secret Diet Culture is Keeping From You

Savana Antonation, MSW RSW

Why do I have thoughts about dieting on a bad body image day? Why am I so scared about gaining weight? Or so stressed when I miss a workout? In this episode, Savana reveals the reason why you do these things... and guaranteed, you haven't heard it before! 

This episode covers: 

  • what it actually means when you have the urge to diet and restrict on a bad body image day 
  • why you keep going back to dieting even though you know it doesn't work in the long run
  • the physiological reason why you're so scared to gain weight and why this keeps you locked in the dieting cycle 
  • why dieting actually exasperates distressing body image  
  • the reason you spiral over the calories in myfitnesspal, missing a workout, or the number on the scale 

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